July 19, 2009: Stargus 0.2 Released!
The second version of Stargus is done. It now has a three semi-playable races. Grab it here: Stargus v0.2
September 5, 2007: Stargus 0.2 Coming soon!
The second version of Stargus is nearly done. Stargus 0.2 will have many new and exciting features, bugfixes, etc. A full list of features is available.
There are also screenshots of the current Stargus.
We are very happy to make this announcement, and hope to have Stargus 0.2 out soon!
March 3, 2007: Stargus 0.1 Released!
The first version of Stargus has been released. Note that this the project is still in the alpha stage and much work is needed to be done.